Battle played during the last week of September 2021
Headquarters of the Naran Team Turin
We played with armies of 4000 points and 1500 Ars Arcana points each.
The battle:
It was another epic fight. The Dark Elven deployed the Hydra, the Araknotitan, a Dark Elf Witch Destroyer, Sinister Elven Crossbowmen and Araknotaurs Troops.
The Dwarven have opposed: a Hero on Medium Dragon, another Medium Dragon, a Young Dragon, a Giant Dwarf and the Karakworm.
The Dwarven have lined up in defense, with two Commands with the order "HOLD" (Lancers and Crossbowmen), supported by two Units of Heavy Crossbows. The Dark Elven immediately went on the assault, but the Dwarven stood firm. The Dark Elf Cavalry on Raptor was stopped by the Warriors on bear Unit, while the Hydra was faced by the Crossbow-Spearmen on bear. Summoned Creatures (Fieds), summoned by their respective Wizards, were employed on both sides. Priests and Clerics have had their business invoking the Gods to repeat many "Saving Throws". Many of them have died.
The Dwarven managed to eliminate the Dark Elf Witch Destroyer and all the enemy Giant Creatures, losing only the Young Dragon and the Karakworm. And that made all the difference.
The Warchief of the Dwarven, who remained master of the field, was thus able to send to his Sovereign, through a messenger, the following message: "We have won the battle against the invaders. The remains of what was once a powerful army come back down. in disorder and hopeless in the depths of their subterranean realm, from which they had come out to invade our lands with proud confidence. " Signed: Warchief Dayz.
Outcome of the match in terms of points:
the battle ended with a "Massacre" in favor of the Dwarven:
the Dwarven suffered 2263 points of losses (Sergio) , with a difference in their favor of 1331 points.
the Dark and Sinister Elven & Araknotaurs have suffered 3594 points of casualties (Sandro) .
Another epic battle of Naran Fantasy Wars!